Click here for a sample letter of nonconsent to send to HECO/HELCO/MECO to notify them you do not consent to smart/digital meter installation.
Click here for a notice you can print out and post on your analog (dial) meter to protect it from being removed and replaced with a toxic meter. How to tell if you have a smart meter, complete with images and assessments of safety concerns of various meters. Go-to website for info about legalities, forms and notifications, buy your own replacement meter, and more. Clearinghouse website that serves as an umbrella organization for smaller initiatives. Loaded with information about the smart meter issue along with many resources for taking action. Summaries and 1500 page report by an international consortium of concerned scientists, physicians and policy makers. The free report contains over 1800 research studies demonstrating the health effects linked to electromagnetic radiation and radio frequency exposure. Clearinghouse website that is loaded with information and resources about the smart meter issue. Home of the award winning documentary Take Back Your Power exposing the truth about smart meters/grid in terms of negative health effects, privacy invasion, fires, and cyber attacks. Interesting film trailers featuring former CIA Director, hacking experts and health officials. A go-to website raising public awareness about smart grid, smart meter, radio frequency (rf) issues including health, cyber security, safety, economics, societal and environmental impacts, consumer choice and rights. Clearinghouse for information on a variety of EMF concerns. A team of consulting scientists who were hired by the Santa Barbara community to assess smart meters. Their report concludes that the smart meters violated FCC regulations on a widespread basis.
Website of the “Non-Toxic Nurse” in which she carefully explains the smart meters’ microwave technology, and its threats to health and civil liberties. Website of the Center for Electrosmog Prevention, a California nonprofit working to protect public health. Includes information about cell phone and smart meter dangers. Website of the stop smart meters movement in the UK. Very comprehensive info available here. Website of the Canadian initiative to stop wireless, electric and electromagnetic pollution (WEEP) designed to educate people and inform policy regarding the public health and economic risks of WEEP. Dr. Magda Havas is a prominent researcher in electromagnetic radiation effects on health and Professor at Trent University. Her website is comprehensive including information on smart meters, cell phones, laptops, cell towers, dirty electricity, radio frequency radiation, and
various aspects of electro-pollution.
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities America, which represents the needs of
people with electro-sensitivities. Interesting video proving negative
health effects on the human heart in electro-sensitive individuals. Website of Debra Greene, PhD, Energy Health Specialist. Includes Youtube videos: “Eight Household Electronics That Are Hurting You (and Simple Solutions),” “How to Safetyproof Your Cell Phone,” as well as a free report on Cell Phones and Your Health.
Contact Hawaii Officials and Voice Your Concerns! Smart Meters Are Being Installed Across the State Right Now!
Rep. Kaniela Ing (Introduced Resolution for a Moratorium on Smart Meters):
Hawaii Public Utilities Commission:
Governor Ige: 808-586-2020
Rep. Chris Lee (Chair of the Energy & Environmental Protection Committee):
Consumer Protection & Commerce
Chair: Angus McKelvey
fax: 808-586-6161
Finance Committee
Chair: Sylvia Luke
fax: 808-586-6201