There is a lot of information on the web at, that would probably be the best source if you had to pick one.
Last November our Gov. Abercrombie (the 2nd from the bottom Governor in the country) signed a memorandum with Japan officials to implement a multi-million dollar "smart grid" in Hawaii. The project includes installation of "smart meters" in our homes, which has already begun on Maui, and eventual undersea cables to connect the islands. (read, supply power to Oahu)
The nationwide roll-out of transmitting radio frequency utility meters, known as smart meters, has intensified since the federal push and funding for them came through Obama’s Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
The health hazards of dangerous electromagnetic radiation exposure to humans, animals, and marine life are evident but have not been addressed by our newspapers or TV. Electromagnetic radiation is a silent killer. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has officially called for a moratorium against smart meters in homes and schools.
There are 100’s of links denoting some of the health risks involved as well as how peoples electric bills are a couple hundred dollars *higher* since the *smart meter* was installed.
Maui News "Letters to the Editor" It should tell of the pitfalls of the Smart Meter, Like the radiation factor involved, and the fact that they can control your home electrical usage, etc.
Thousands of people have submitted written health complaints to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), and in May the World Health Organization made an earth shattering declaration that non-ionizing radiation from cell phones, cell towers, wifi, and "smart" meters, has been linked with a number of cancers. "Smart" meter radiation is now categorized as a class 2b carcinogen in the same cancer causing category as lead, DDT, and engine exhaust. Nevertheless, PG&E continues to maintain that their meters are safe."
There is no Federal law or mandate that forces you to have a smart meter installed in your home or complex. PG&E has stated that they do not intend to respect laws in Santa Cruz County, Capitola, and Watsonville that prohibit wireless meter installation, laws that were passed to protect the public from identified health and safety risks from the new meters. Don’t let that happen here on Maui.